Arduino – smoothing out a bit

The relationship with the Arduino system is getting better. This is usually the case with new things – the more you know about them the more comfotable they get, the more you learn about them the better things seem to go. It’s probably in the docs...

Arduino Uno – my rough start

I’ve been reading about the Arduino system in various places around the web and in magazines I’ve picked up ehre and there. Picked up an issue of Nuts and Volts on a recent trip to read during a flight – I didn’t need to re-read airplane flight...

Damn it, not another scam email OR Fun With A Scammer

This was an email discourse with a scam I received to our site. This scammer wouldn’t give up. This went on and on. I finally had to kill me off. Even then he didn’t give up right away. In the meantime I received more offers and decided to...

osTickets – open source support ticket solution

I’ve been using Smartertools SmartTracker for a few years but there were many features in it that we didn’t need – it was a bit overkill for us. I did some checking around recently and tried a few different systems. I ended up using osTickets open...