I’m off to attend the first Appcelerator training for Titanium. It’s in Santa Clara, CA, for two days. Barbara suggested I leave a day early in case there’s any delays in the plan connections or such I would stand a better chance of not missing it. The fact that she travels A LOT and has spent many nights in hotels near the airport because of delays I decided to take her advice. It’s wasn’t a losing proposition – if I’m delayed I still have time to get there – and if not I get to spend a day off in CA.
The weather was with me and I ended up having a day to relax. I drove up to San Francisco to spend the day. Living in the area I do it was a bit different site than I’m used to. Around here there are almost caresses of once industry giants – Kodak to name one I was personally attached to. Driving from Santa Clara to San Francisco was a different story – passing Intel, Ericson, Nvidia, Cisco and many, many more. I was thinking I should pick up a backup cord for my phone and out of the corner of my eye see a sign for JAMECO Electronics. I’ve been buying parts from them for ages and the sign said Open to the Public. So I pulled off at the next exit and went down the access road to the store. They were very helpful but didn’t have a cord to fit this phone yet. Just nice to see some of the places you dealt with for years.
Here’s a few pics:
Buena Vista Cafe, San Francisco
This is the view of the Buena Vista Cafe from the trolley stop. It’s not a complete visit without a couple Irish Coffees here.
Taken on trip for Appcelerator Training
Then you turn around and get a picture of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. Still beautiful and while there I heard that they’re going to start the first time renovation of the cables that hold it up. It will be a three year project. And to save money they’re (the city I think) is doing the job themselves. So there are times when the city doesn’t need to save any money ?
A guys gotta eat – lunch at fishermans wharf
And then a walk down to Fishermans Wharf for lunch. I was hoping to see a musician, Daniel Kane, on the street but he wasn’t there. I’d seen him twice before – the first time cassettes where the transport of choice, the second time it was a cd. I was thinking this time I’d pick up a thumb drive, but he wasn’t around.
On the way back to the hotel I saw a sign for the Intel Museum. That would have been fun but not enough time.
leon …