o I’ve worked out my problems with Appcelerators Titanium app environment with the help of the support forum. When you create an application there is an entry for an application id. Turns out there is a specific format for this ID.
But – finding that out isn’t exactly obvious. In the training video it says at one place – “just enter a bunch of characters”. The part it missed was “If you are using version 1.5.1 (current at the time), you MUST have a “.” period in the name.” So a name like “My App” won’t work, “TEST” won’t work, “atest” won’t work. What WILL WORK is “My.App”, “TEST.TEST” or “test.test” or “com.test.something”. Thanks to Brain Alliet for finding that one. While I was going back and forth on the forum he tried a couple things and hit on that, that being the “.”.
When you create a new app there is a default string in there when you first start. But it auto clears when you put your cursor in that field. I tried it on my Mac and on my PC. On the PC (which is my main machine and the one I tried first) with the default Windows font, you can’t see the “.” – they blend into the text. On the Mac you can easily see them – but it isn’t mentioned that that recommendation is a must.
Also, and this is one of my favorites, it’s colored LIGHT GRAY – the same color you use when you have an in-active or non working link. I can’t wait for “designers” to get off that kick and move along to something else.
Another PC / Mac thing is using the color blue on a black background. Yes, the PC video may suck in your Mac opinion – BUT – there ARE MORE PC’s IN USE THAN MACS. (<- that’s an emphatic period) About as intuitive as a patuti.
I’ve got Appcelerator working on the PC doing Android Apps, on the Mac doing iPhone, iPad and Android apps. And so far I’m pleased with it. The support forum worked out very well, the turn around was very good – my thanks to Paul Dowsett for his help.
leon …