I like using my three 21″ screen Windows 7 PC setup for editing. I currently doing some Appcelerator Titanium APP development. Appcellerator seems to run better on the Mac than the PC. You can’t do iPhone apps as easily on the PC, I’m not sure you can get the iPhone simulator running on the PC.
So what I did was share my Mac user folder, open it on the PC. I do the editing there cause I like to use a variety of editors (Multi-Edit, Aptana and Dreamweaver) then I compile on the Mac. To make it even nicer I use TightVNC. Here’s a screen shot:
<a href=”https://leonzak.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/thescreens1.png”><img class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-101″ title=”thescreens” src=”https://leonzak.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/thescreens1-300×63.png” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”63″ /></a>
I put the Mac through TightVNC on the left scree, the editor of the moment on the middle screen then put a browser or two along with Outlook on the right screen.
Works out pretty well this way, but does make it hard when I have to work on a pc with one screen.
I also found that UltraVNC would just randomly disconnect, TightVNC so far hasn’t I found that tip on the net, sorry, forgot where.
leon …