My First Useful App

<p>The night before I left CA after App class I complete the first phase of an actual app that we started the week before – a museum pest reference guide. It pulls information from our newly launched website,, and loads an app on your smart...

Snipping Tool – Screen Captures

There something to reading the directions. You stand the chance of learning stuff. I needed to do a screen capture on my windows machine. Usually I do a prtscrn and bring it into Photoshop and crop down to what I want. I knew there was way to capture just the active...

Music – Justin Crossett Band

I’ve been playing organ and piano since I was a kid. I started informal piano because there was one in one of the houses we lived in. Then we moved, I switched to guitar, my brother to drums. Then I went to B3 (hammond organ). I’ve been migrating my tape...


I’ve decided to start using Appcelerator for app development. So far it’s a bitch to install on anything. I do have it doing iPhone and Ipad on my mac, android on my Windows 7 machine. I may put up a linux vmware and try it in there. The one thing I did...