Update on the GODADDY Incident

Here’s how it went with this problem: The server problem started about 4pm. The event log showed that the ethernet port was flipping on and off. Finally it went off. I rebooted, it worked, then went down again. rebooted – same thing – down again....

My Encounter with GODADDY or Customer Service Shines

This is a good example of Customer Service shining like poop. And a glaring problem with Godaddy. When things work, they’re great to work with – but their system of handling problems sucks big time. I understand that they want to not get their techs tied...

Using Appcelerator Titanium APPs

<p>Back from app school and I wanted to move some of my app work over to Titanium. While doing so I thought I’d publish some of the little things I’m figuring out as I go along – it may help others save some time over what usually are dumb...

Editing on the PC, Compile on the MacBook

I like using my three 21″ screen Windows 7 PC setup for editing.  I currently doing some Appcelerator Titanium APP development. Appcellerator seems to run better on the Mac than the PC. You can’t do iPhone apps as easily on the PC, I’m not sure you...

Appcelerator Titanium Certification Training

Thursday morning the class starts. I’m interested to find out a lot more about Titanium. It looks like a good product but there are some “flaky” things I couldn’t pin down that bothered me. The class was run by Kevin Whinnery from Appcelerator....